27. May 2024
Split, Croatia


Dive into the future of collaborative technology and plural democracy.


BlockSplit is proud to initiate a discussion on innovative solutions for democracy.

DDD is co-organised with MUQA and sponsored by Ethereum Foundation.

This year’s focus is on funding journalism, and running digital elections.

How to participate?

There are two parts of the event, each with a specific theme and relevant participants. Each part has a separate registration page.

Invitees are thought and political leaders, regulators and experts in democracy and web governance, decision making and privacy.

Anyone can apply to participate. We will review applications and select the most relevant ones. Apply below.


Exploration of Funding Models for Journalism

​In this part, we will take a look at how Ethereum could be used to address some of the issues in funding journalism.
After introductory presentations, in a 90 min workshop, three groups will be formed to design a financing
program for 3 unique use cases: 

May 27
Exploration of Funding Models for Journalism
09:00 – 09:25 | TALK

Intro to program and GTKEO

09:25 – 09:45 | TALK

Anamarija BegonjaMarketing Lead at General Magic

Overview of public goods funding models in web3

09:50 – 10:10 | TALK

Devansh MehtaFounder, VoiceDeck

Decentralized Outcome Funding for Investigative Reporting

10:15 – 10:30 | BREAK

Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00 | WORKSHOP

Tomislav MamićMUQA founder

Funding media with public money

12:00 – 13:00 | LUNCH


Digital Elections & Private Voting Workshop

In this part, we will explore possibilities of conducting small scale democratic experiments for improving participation and
decision making on a local level. By learning about what is possible to do with Ethereum, we will try to design such
experiments and prepare them for implementation by the local government.

May 27
Digital Elections & Private Voting
13:00 – 13:25 | TALK

Digital Elections & Private Voting: Intro to program and GTKEO

13:25 – 13:55 | TALK

Sam RichardsEthereum Foundation

The Promise of Blockchain Voting

13:55 – 14:15 | TALK

Doo Wan NamCo-Founder & COO at StableLab

DAO governance models

14:15 – 14:30 | BREAK

Coffee Break

14:30 – 16:00 | WORKSHOP

Tomislav MamićMUQA founder

Digital Elections and Private Voting

Confirmed Speakers

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